

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Hima — may refer to: *Hima (environmental protection), an Arabic word meaning inviolate zone , and a system of environmental protection in Islam *Hima, a ruling class of the Ankole kingdom in Uganda *Hima, the Sanskrit word for snow **Himalayas, a… …   Wikipedia

  • Hima — Hima,   Bahima, Wahima, in Ruanda und Burundi Tụtsi, Batụtsi, Tụssi, Watụssi, äthiopide Bevölkerungs Schicht im Zwischenseengebiet Ostafrikas, in Burundi 14 %, in Ruanda 13 % der Bevölkerung, in Uganda eine soziale Schicht im Volk der Nkole… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Hima Douglas — Hima Takelesi Douglas (also known as Himalea I Takelesi) is a Niuean politician and former common assembly member of the Niue Assembly. cite news |first=|last=|title=Surprise changes in Niue’s elections… …   Wikipedia

  • Hima — (arab.), Hürde, eingeschlossener Weideplatz, daher Name mehrerer Ortschaften …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • Hima (environmental protection) — A Ḥimá ( ar. حمى) inviolate zone refers to an area set aside for the conservation of natural capital, typically fields, wildlife and forests contrast ḥaram, which defines an area protected for more immediate human purposes.A Muslim has a specific …   Wikipedia

  • Hima Dushanbe — Football club infobox clubname = Hima Dushanbe fullname = Hima Dushanbe nickname = founded = ground = Dushanbe, Tajikistan capacity = chairman = manager = league = Tajik League season = 2006/07 position = Hima Dushanbe is football club based in… …   Wikipedia

  • Hima — Die Hima, auch Bahima, sind eine den Tutsi verwandte Ethnie im Gebiet der Großen Seen Afrikas. Manche Untersuchungen gliedern sie auch in die Tutsi ein. In Uganda machen sie 10 Prozent der Bevölkerung aus. Weblinks… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • HIMA — Health Industry Manufacturers Association …   Medical dictionary

  • Hima — indischer Name, Bedeutung: Schnee; friesischer Name, Kurzform von → Hilmar (Bedeutungszusammensetzung aus: »Kampf« und »berühmt«) …   Deutsch namen

  • hima — koti   …   Suomen slangisanakirjaa

  • HIMA — abbr. Health Industry Manufacturers Association …   Dictionary of abbreviations

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