- ṡákti-tantra
- शक्तितन्त्र
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Tantra — (Sanskrit: तन्त्र ; weave denoting continuity [Norbu, p. 49] ), tantricism or tantrism is any of several esoteric traditions rooted in the religions of India. The tantric movement has influenced the Hindu, Bön, Buddhist, and Jain religious… … Wikipedia
Śakti — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En el marco del hinduismo, el término sánscrito shaktí designa a la energía o potencia activa de un deva (dios masculino), personificada como su esposa. Pintura que muestra la tridevi (la forma conjunta de las tres… … Wikipedia Español
SAKTI — Dans la religion de l’Inde, la puissance cosmique mère de toute production, appelée en sanskrit え kti («énergie»), est l’objet d’un culte particulier, dont les fidèles sont les ご kta et qu’on désigne du nom de shaktisme. L’Énergie La ご kti est… … Encyclopédie Universelle
tantra — tȁntra ž <G mn tȃntrā/ ī> DEFINICIJA 1. fil. spisi ezoteričkih sljedbi u hinduističkim i budističkim krugovima; osobitu pozornost privlače oni koji teže duhovnosti kroz spolnost; sastavljeni su u obliku dijaloga između Šive i njegove Šakti… … Hrvatski jezični portal
Tantra — Tan tra (t[a^]n tr[.a]; t[u^]n tr[.a]), n. [Skr.] (Hinduism) A ceremonial treatise related to Puranic and magic literature; esp., one of the sacred works of the worshipers of Sakti. {Tan tric} (t[a^]n tr[i^]k), a. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
Tantra — /tun treuh, tan /, n. 1. (italics) Hinduism. any of several books of esoteric doctrine regarding rituals, disciplines, meditation, etc., composed in the form of dialogues between Shiva and his Shakti; Agama. 2. Also called Tantrism /tun triz euhm … Universalium
Tantra — La diosa Hevraja, emanación iracunda del elemento agua, es importante en las prácticas tántricas de la escuela sakya del budismo tibetano … Wikipedia Español
ṡákti-saṉgama-tantra — शक्तिसंगमतन्त्र … Indonesian dictionary
Tantric — Tantra Tan tra (t[a^]n tr[.a]; t[u^]n tr[.a]), n. [Skr.] (Hinduism) A ceremonial treatise related to Puranic and magic literature; esp., one of the sacred works of the worshipers of Sakti. {Tan tric} (t[a^]n tr[i^]k), a. [Webster 1913 Suppl.] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
The 36 tattvas — In Kaśmir Śaivism, the 36 tattvas describe the Absolute, its internal aspects and the creation including living beings, down to the physical reality. The addition of 11 supplemental tattvas compared to the IAST|Sāṃkhya allows for a richer, fuller … Wikipedia