- sarvâ̱sya
- सर्वास्य
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
sarvâ̱ṡyá — सर्वाश्य … Indonesian dictionary
UPANISAD — Les upani ルad sont les premiers textes sanskrits dont l’Occident ait eu connaissance: Anquetil Duperron en publia en 1801, sous le titre d’Oupnekat , une traduction latine fondée sur une version persane. Parmi les textes de la えruti (Révélation) … Encyclopédie Universelle
Kambojas — The Kambojas were a Kshatriya tribe of Iron Age India, frequently mentioned in ( post Vedic ) Sanskrit and Pali literature, making their first appearance in the Mahabharata and contemporary Vedanga literature (roughly from the 7th century BCE).… … Wikipedia