

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Glossary of terms in Hinduism — The following is a glossary of terms and concepts in Hinduism. The list consists of concepts that are derived from both Hinduism and Hindu tradition, which are expressed as words in Sanskrit as well as other languages of India. The main purpose… …   Wikipedia

  • Glossary of Hinduism terms — An article related to Hinduism …   Wikipedia

  • Dvārakā — See Dwarka for the modern city. Not to be confused with the historical Dvaravati kingdom of Thailand. In the Mahabharata, Dvārakā (also known as Dvāravatī, both names meaning the many gated [city] in Sanskrit; sometimes transcribed as Dwaraka and …   Wikipedia

  • Saini — Infobox caste caste name= Saini or Shaursaini/Shoorseni classification= Yaduvanshi (Shoorseni) Kshatriya subdivisions= (none) populated states=Punjab (India), Haryana, Himachal Pradesh Jammu Kashmirlanguages= Mainly Punjabi and its dialects like… …   Wikipedia

  • Itijasa — En el marco de las escrituras sagradas hinduistas, los Itijasa son los escritos épicos que no forman parte de los cuatro Vedas, los textos Bráhmanas y las Upanishad, o sea el Majábharata, el Ramaiana y los Puranas. itihāsa, en el sistema AITS… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Iadus (tribu) — Los iadus o iadavas eran una de las cinco tribus o clanes arios mencionados en el Rig veda (el primer texto de la literatura de la India, de mediados del II milenio a. C.). Decían ser descendientes del rey Iadu. El dios pastor… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Arjuna — For other uses, see Arjuna (disambiguation). A statue of Arjuna on a street in Bali Arjuna (Devanagari: अर्जुन, Thai: อรชุน, Orachun, Tamil: Arjunan, Indonesian and Javanese: Harjuna, Harjuno, Herjuno, Malay: Ranjuna; pronounced [ɐrˈɟunɐ] in… …   Wikipedia

  • Vimana — A vimāna ( sa. विमान) is a mythical flying machine, described in the Sanskrit epics. In books by Srila Prabhupada, they are referred to as airplanes or spiritual airplanes .Etymology and usageSanskrit vi māna literally means measuring out,… …   Wikipedia

  • Draupadi — Draupadi. Painting by Raja Ravi Varma. In the epic Mahābhārata, Draupadi, also known as Kṛṣṇā draupadī (Devanagari: कृष्णा द्रौपदी; approximate pronunciation: [krɪʂɳaː d …   Wikipedia

  • Magadha Kingdom — This article is about the kingdom of Magadha in Indian epic literature. For the historical kingdom, see Magadha. Magadha was a kingdom ruled by non Vedic kings. Jarasandha was the greatest among them during epic times. His capital was Rajagriha… …   Wikipedia

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