

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Swami Sahajanand Saraswati — (1889 1950), was born in a Jijhoutia Bhumihar Brahmin [cite book first = Sharma last = Raghav Sharan title = Builders of Modern India: Swami Sahajanand Saraswati publisher = Prakashan Vibhag, Suchna evam Prasaran Mantralaya, Bharat Sarkar… …   Wikipedia

  • D. P. Agrawal — Shri Dharampal Agrawal Jee with his Best Student Shri Rajiv Dixit Jee This article is about the science and technology historian. For the chairman of the Union Public Service Commission, see D.P. Agrawal (academic). Prof. D. P. Agrawal… …   Wikipedia

  • Madhyanta-vibhaga-karika — Madhyānta vibhāga kārikā (Distinguishing the Middle and the Extremes) is a key work in Yogācāra Buddhist philosophy, which was written by Maitreya nātha. It consists of 112 verses which delineate the distinctions and relationship ( vibhāga )… …   Wikipedia

  • Sudas — Sudās ( worshipping well , an s stem, either from a root dās , or with the extra s added to avoid an archaic root noun in ā , Sudā , which would easily be mistaken for a feminine name) is a king from the Rig Veda. He is a descendant of Divodasa.… …   Wikipedia

  • hindi — [ indi; indi ] n. m. et adj. • 1815; mot hindi ♦ Langue indo aryenne parlée dans le nord de l Inde, langue officielle de l Union indienne. L hindi, le hindi. Adj. (inv. en genre) La langue hindi. hindi n. m. et adj. LING Langue indo européenne du …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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