- tád-anu
- तदनु
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Cosmogony — • By this term is understood an account of how the universe (cosmos) came into being (gonia • gegona = I have become). It differs from cosmology, or the science of the universe, in this: that the latter aims at understanding the actual… … Catholic encyclopedia
širdis — širdìs sf. (3) K, Š, Rtr, DŽ, NdŽ; gen. sing. ès KlbIII77(Lkm, Tvr), LKGI226(Ktk, Sv, Lkm), LD266(Lkm, PIš, Ktk, Rš), GrvT17; nom. pl. šìrdes KlbIII77(Lkm, Tvr), LKGI226(Ktk, Sv, Lkm), LD266(Lkm, Plš, Ktk, Rš), LKKXI175(Zt); gen. pl. širdų̃… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
žemė — žẽmė sf. (2) KBII92, KII3, K, LsB266, K.Būg, Š, Rtr, RŽ, FrnW, KŽ; SD1215, SD452, H171, R122, MŽ, MŽ161, Sut, N, L, LL322 1. I, DŽ, NdŽ astr. penkta pagal dydį Saulės sistemos planeta, kurioje gyvename (tikrinis pavadinimas): Žemės apskritumas R … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Derek Fuller Wrigley — Making Your House Sustainable Author(s) Derek Fuller Wrigley Language … Wikipedia
Svayam Bhagavan — This article is about a Hindu philosophical concept: the original or absolute manifestation of God. For other meanings, see Krishna (disambiguation) and Bhagavan (disambiguation). Svayam Bhagavan (IAST IAST|svayam bhagavān ), The Lord or Lord… … Wikipedia
turėti — turėti, tùri (tùria Sdk, Pl, Rk, Ob), ėjo K, Rtr, Š, DŽ, FrnW, NdŽ, KŽ; SD177,79, SD141, 182, R187, MŽ248, Sut, N, M, LL87, L I. laikymui, laikymuisi žymėti. 1. tr. SD1183, MitV163(WP237), Sut, I, M, Š, NdŽ, Gs, Pun, Ūd, Gg, Žl nusitvėrus,… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
vieta — vietà sf. (2) KBII82, K, Š, BŽ56, FT, DŽ, KŽ, (4) DP175,473,620; H, H197, B981, R, R273, 287,337,339, MŽ, MŽ366,383,451,454, I, Sut, N, M, LL86 1. SD1123, SD252, J, L, NdŽ, ŽŪŽ120, LzŽ plotas, erdvė, kurioje kas yra ar vyksta: Visur purvai, nėr… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Liste der Biografien/Ta — Biografien: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q … Deutsch Wikipedia
nutraukti — Rtr, ŠT1; R, MŽ, LL171, Ser 1. tr. SD384, R3, MŽ4, Sut, N, M, LL268,328, VĮ, DŽ1, DrskŽ staigiai atidalyti jungtį: Jijė nutraukė par pusę siūlą J. Netrauk virvės, nestipri – nutrauksi NdŽ. Vedu tvartan, bijau, kad pančio nenutraũkt karvė Klt.… … Dictionary of the Lithuanian Language
Translations of The Lord's Prayer — The Lord s Prayer is a common tool used to compare languages. Since the publication of the Mithridates booksTwo examples are Mithridates de differentis linguis , Conrad Gessner, 1555; and Mithridates oder allgemeine Sprachenkunde mit dem Vater… … Wikipedia