- tig
- तिग्
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Tig — may refer to: Tig Notaro, an American stand up comic Tig, another name for tag (game) Alex Tig Trager, a character in Sons of Anarchy TIG may refer to: Tungsten inert gas welding, aka gas tungsten arc welding Triennial Inter varsity Games, held… … Wikipedia
Tig — Tig, n. 1. A game among children. See {Tag}. [1913 Webster] 2. A capacious, flat bottomed drinking cup, generally with four handles, formerly used for passing around the table at convivial entertainment. [1913 Webster] … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
tig — [ tıg ] noun uncount BRITISH the game of TAG … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
TIG — ● TIG Abréviation de Tungsten Inert Gaz, méthode de soudage à l arc sous protection gazeuse avec électrode réfractaire … Encyclopédie Universelle
tig — child s game, 1816, variant of TAG (Cf. tag) (2) … Etymology dictionary
tig- — *tig germ.?, Verb: nhd. stechen; ne. stitch (Verb); Etymologie: s. ing. *dʰēigʷ , *dʰōigʷ , *dʰīgʷ , Verb, stechen, stecken, festsetzen, Pokorny 243; Literatur: Falk/Torp 163 … Germanisches Wörterbuch
tig — as·tig·mat; as·tig·mat·ic; as·tig·mom·e·ter; auf·tak·tig·keit; chae·tig·er·ous; ci·tig·ra·dae; con·tig·na·tion; con·tig·u·ous; con·tig·u·ous·ly; con·tig·u·ous·ness; cu·tig·er·al; cys·tig·er·ous; den·tig·er·ous; fas·tig·ial; fas·tig·i·ate;… … English syllables
tığ — I (Ağcabədi, Ağdam, Borçalı, Culfa, Gədəbəy, Xanlar, Qazax, Laçın, Meğri, Ordubad, Şəmkir, Şuşa, Tovuz, Zəngilan) böyük topa. – Bıra bir tığ odun yığmışam (Zəngilan); – Həsəngil tığ peyin daşıdılar bostana (Cəbrayıl); – Ordakı qartof tığları… … Azərbaycan dilinin dialektoloji lüğəti
tığ — 1. is., Far. tīġ 1) Dantel veya yün örmekte kullanılan, ucu çengelli kısa şiş Maviş Hanım ın elinde tığ, pencerenin önüne oturmuş, sabırla dantel üretir, görmüyor mu? A. İlhan 2) Biz (II) 3) Demirci ve tesviyecilerin delikleri büyütmek veya eşit… … Çağatay Osmanlı Sözlük
tig — The basic children s chasing game in which one child tries to touch one of the others, and whoever is touched becomes the chaser and tries to touch another, is known by various local names. The Opies present a map showing that the main names… … A Dictionary of English folklore
TIG — Die Abkürzung TIG ist die englische Abkürzung für Wolfram Inert Gasschweißen, ein Schweißverfahren der Internationale Airport Code von Tingwon auf Papua Neuguinea TIG Productions, US Filmproduktionsfirma Diese Seite ist eine Begr … Deutsch Wikipedia