- ud-gha
- उद्घ
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
GHA Coaches — is a bus and coach operator serving North East Wales and surrounding areas in the United Kingdom. Their current total of bus operations has increased dramatically in recent years after purchases of other local bus operators such as Hanmers… … Wikipedia
gha gha, ghe ghe, ghi ghi — gha gha, ghe ghe, ghi ghi English meaning: to cackle (of geese) Deutsche Übersetzung: under likewise, Lautnachahmung for Gackern, Schnattern Note: (compare ĝhans “goose “). Sowohl Urverwandtschaft as newer creation are possible.… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary
Gha — Graphies Capitale Ƣ Bas de casse ƣ Utilisation Alphabets … Wikipédia en Français
GHA — may refer to:* Gha, a letter that has been used in various Latin orthographies for Turkic languages * Generalized Hebbian Algorithm, a learning rule for neural networks * Glasgow Hutchesons Aloysians RFC, a rugby union club in Scotland * Good… … Wikipedia
Gha'agsheblah — is the Qliphoth corresponding to the sephirot Chesed, Lovingkindness. It is described as the disturber of all things, and the form of its demons are of black, cat headed giants.The Qliphoth are the shadows of the sephirot, the chaotic force that… … Wikipedia
GHA — steht für: Ghana, Länderkürzel nach ISO 3166 und olympisches Mannschaftskürzel Gambia Handball Association, Dachverband der Handballvereine im westafrikanischen Staat Gambia Kreis Geithain, deutsches Kraftfahrzeugzeichen von 1991 bis 1994 Gha… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gha|ni|an — Gha|nai|an or Gha|ni|an «GAH nee uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Ghana or its people. –n. a person born or living in Ghana … Useful english dictionary
Gha|nai|an — or Gha|ni|an «GAH nee uhn», adjective, noun. –adj. of or having to do with Ghana or its people. –n. a person born or living in Ghana … Useful english dictionary
gha|wa|zee — gha|wa|zi or gha|wa|zee «guh WAH zee», noun (plural). public dancing girls in Egypt. ╂[< Arabic ghawazī] … Useful english dictionary
gha|wa|zi — or gha|wa|zee «guh WAH zee», noun (plural). public dancing girls in Egypt. ╂[< Arabic ghawazī] … Useful english dictionary
Gha|zi — «GAH zee», noun, plural zis. 1. a Muslim fanatic devoted to the destruction of infidels. 2. a title of honor given for distinguished military service against non Muslims. ╂[< Arabic āzi warrior] Gha|zi «GAH zee», noun. a Turkish title… … Useful english dictionary