- un-nābha
- उन्नाभ
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Nabha — is a city and municipal council in the Patiala district to the south west of the Indian state of Punjab. In 1998, the annual income of Nabha state was Rs 1,50,000/ .[1] Nabha city … Wikipedia
Nabha — Nabha … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nâbha — était un Etat princier des Indes, aujourd hui Etat du Penjab. Conquise par les Britanniques, Nâbha fut dirigée par des souverains qui portèrent le titre de radjah puis de maharadjah et qui subsista jusqu en 1948. Liste des radjahs puis… … Wikipédia en Français
Nabha Sparsham Deeptam — ( Sanskrit : नभः स्पर्शं दीप्तम IPA2|nəbʰəh spərɕəm d̪iːpt̪əm), Touching the Sky With Glory , is the motto of the Indian Air Force. It has been taken from eleventh chapter of the Gita, the Discourse given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the… … Wikipedia
Nabha — es una ciudad al noroeste de India en el sureste del estado de Panyab en el distrito de Patiala. Tenía una población de 54.079 personas en 1991, experimentando un gran crecimiento y llegando a 65.885 en 2007.[1] Referencias ↑ http://population… … Wikipedia Español
Nabha State — नाभा Nabha State Princely State … Wikipedia
Nabha (Staat) — Flagge von Nabha Nabha war einer der Sikh Fürstenstaaten in den damals zu Punjab gehörigen Ausläufern des Himalaya in Britisch Indien. Er wurde 1755 von Raja Hamir Singh gegründet, der derselben Dynastie angehörte wie die Fürsten von Patiala und… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nabha — ▪ India town, southeastern Punjab state, northwestern India. It is located some 16 miles (26 km) west and slightly north of Patiala. Nabha (founded 1755) was the capital of the princely state of Nabha, established in 1763 and composed of 12 … Universalium
Nabha — Original name in latin Nbha Name in other language Nabha, Nbha State code IN Continent/City Asia/Kolkata longitude 30.37475 latitude 76.15077 altitude 254 Population 64640 Date 2012 09 06 … Cities with a population over 1000 database
nabha — नभ … Indonesian dictionary
nābha — नाभ … Indonesian dictionary