- váruṇa-mitra
- वरुणमित्र
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Mitra (Vedic) — This article is about the Vedic deity Mitra. For other divinities with related names, see the general article Mitra. Mitra morning sun, the oath, loyalty and friendship Devanagari मित्र Sanskrit Transliteration … Wikipedia
Mitra (mitología) — Mitra era un dios conocido en la antigüedad, principalmente en Persia e India. Mitra era el dios de la luz solar, de origen persa que pasó a formar parte del imperio romano. Se conservan diversas esculturas, en su mayor parte del siglo III.… … Wikipedia Español
Váruṇa — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El dios Váruna sobre su cocodrilo … Wikipedia Español
Mitra-Varuna — Mitra and Varuna are two deities (asuras) frequently referred to in the ancient Indian scripture of the Rigveda. They are both considered Adityas, or deities connected with the Sun; and they are protectors of the righteous order of rta. Their… … Wikipedia
Mitra–Varuna — Mitra and Varuna are two deities (asuras) frequently referred to in the ancient Indian scripture of the Rigveda. They are both considered Adityas, or deities connected with the Sun; and they are protectors of the righteous order of rta. Their… … Wikipedia
Mitra [2] — Mitra, in der Vedareligion der Inder ein Lichtgott, einer der Aditja (s. d.), wurde gewöhnlich mit Varuna (s. d.) angerufen, mit dessen Funktionen die seinigen verschmolzen erscheinen. Er vertritt das himmlische Licht in der Tageszeit, wie Varuna … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon
Mitra (disambiguation) — Mitra or Mithra may refer to: Contents 1 Notable persons 2 Organisms 3 Others 4 See also Notable persons … Wikipedia
Varuna — Varuna is a sky god of the VEDAS who has many, sometimes contradictory traits. He is the Indian counterpart of the Greek Ouranos. Varuna is paired with several deities in rituals and hymns, most commonly with MITRA. By himself, Varuna is seen… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Mitra — Mitra is a minor deity often mentioned in the Vedic hymns, especially in association with VAR UNA. Many hymns and offerings are given to the pair Mitra Varuna in the Vedic rituals. Some believe that Mitra was a form of Sun god who lost his… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Varūna — Varūna, einer der höchsten indischen Götter der vedischen Zeit. Seinem Wesen nach läßt er sich in die indo iranische Zeit zurückverfolgen; er ist mit dem Ahura Mazda des zarathustrischen Glaubens verwandt. Viele halten ihn für einen Himmelsgott… … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon