- vi-havá
- विहव
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Hava Nagila — (הבה נגילה in Hebrew) is a Hebrew folk song, the title meaning Let us rejoice . It is a song of celebration, especially popular amongst Jewish and Roma communities. In popular culture, it is used as a metonym for Judaism, and is a staple of band… … Wikipedia
ḤAVAẒẒELET — (Heb. חֲבַצֶּלֶת), Hebrew newspaper, first published in Jerusalem in 1863, discontinued after approximately one year, revived at the end of 1870, and continued until close to the outbreak of World War I. Founded by Israel Bak, a pioneer of the… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hava nagila — (הבה נגילה) ist ein hebräisches Volkslied. Die Melodie war ursprünglich ein wortloser chassidischer Niggun und wurde von Abraham Zvi Idelsohn bearbeitet und mit Worten versehen. Der Titel bedeutet übersetzt „Lasst uns glücklich sein“. Es ist ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Hava Nagila — (הבה נגילה) ist ein hebräisches Volkslied. Die Melodie war ursprünglich ein wortloser chassidischer Niggun und wurde von Abraham Zvi Idelsohn bearbeitet und mit Worten versehen. Der Titel bedeutet übersetzt „Lasst uns glücklich sein“. Es ist ein… … Deutsch Wikipedia
hava — HAVÁ, havez, vb. I. tranz. A săpa cu haveza făgaşe într un zăcământ în curs de exploatare pentru a uşura desprinderea materialului din masiv. – Din fr. haver. Trimis de gall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 HAVÁ vb. (min.) a scobi. (A hava într un… … Dicționar Român
HAVA (also known as Hana or Fava) OF MANOSQUE — HAVA (also known as Hana or Fava) OF MANOSQUE, surgeon in early 14th century Provence. Hava was one of many Jewish women active in medicine during the Middle Ages. She belonged to a prominent medical family; her husband and son were also surgeons … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Hava Kohav Beller — is a filmmaker primarily known for two documentary films: The Restless Conscience (1991), and The Burning Wall (2002). The Restless Conscience examines the Nazi terror and those who fought it from within. It was nine years in the making. In 1992 … Wikipedia
Hava Siegelmann — is a Computer Scientist at the University of Massachusetts who is Director of their Biologically Inspired Neural and Dynamical Systems Lab [ [http://binds.cs.umass.edu/index.html BINDS Lab] ] . In the early 1990s she proposed a new computational… … Wikipedia
Hava Rexha — (August 22, 1880?, Shushicë, Albania November 8, 2003, Shushicë, Albania) was said to be the oldest woman in Albania, and perhaps the oldest living person in the world, when she died at the claimed age of 123. Those claiming that she was born in… … Wikipedia
Hava Niruz — est un quartier du sud de Téhéran. Liens internes Quartiers de Téhéran Portail de l’Iran Catégorie : Quartier de Téhéran … Wikipédia en Français
Hava-Mál — Hava Mál, Eddalied, s.u. Edda C) b) … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon