- vi-tarka
- वितर्क
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Tarka — can mean:*Tarka, Nigeria, a Local Government Area in Benue State, Nigeria *Tarka the Otter, a novel by Henry Williamson *Tarka Line, a railway line in Devon, England *Tarka Trail, a series of footpaths assembled from former railway lines. *Tarka… … Wikipedia
Tarka the Otter — Tarka the Otter: His Joyful Water Life and Death in the Country of the Two Rivers is a novel by Henry Williamson. The book narrates the experience of an otter. It was first published in 1927 by G.P. Putnam s Sons, with an introduction by the Hon … Wikipedia
Tarka sastra — is a science of dialectics, logic and reasoning, and art of debate that analyzes the nature and source of knowledge and its validity. Sastra in Sanskrit means that which gives teaching, instruction or command. Tarka means debate or an argument.… … Wikipedia
Tarka — steht für: David Tarka (* 1983), australischer Fußballspieler Tarka Line, eingleisige Eisenbahnstrecke in der englischen Grafschaft Devon (1360) Tarka, Asteroid des Hauptgürtels Tarka (Niger), Dorf und ländliche Gemeinde in Niger, Region Zinder,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tarka Line — Beginn der Tarka Line (linker Ast) bei Cowley Bridge Junction Kartenausschnitt 1930 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Tarka Cordell — (1968 28 April 2008) was a British musician, writer and sometime model.The son of music producer Denny Cordell, Tarka was born in Argentina, but moved to the United Kingdom at a young age and was educated at Harrow School in London. He was good… … Wikipedia
tarka — I {{/stl 13}}{{stl 8}}rz. ż Ib, CMc. tarkarce; lm D. tarkarek {{/stl 8}}{{stl 20}} {{/stl 20}}{{stl 12}}1. {{/stl 12}}{{stl 7}} narzędzie kuchenne z otworami o ostrych krawędziach, wykonane z nierdzewnej blachy lub tworzywa sztucznego, używane do … Langenscheidt Polski wyjaśnień
tarka — tárka dkt. Im̃k tárką, sutarkúok bùlves, blynùs kèpsim … Bendrinės lietuvių kalbos žodyno antraštynas
Tarka the Otter — [Tarka the Otter] a novel (1927) by Henry Williamson (1895–1977). It is a very realistic story about an ↑otter (= a small animal with thick brown fur that lives in rivers), which dies after being hunted for a long time by men and dogs … Useful english dictionary
Tarka — Tarka, grasreiche aber baumlose Landschaft im District Cradock der Ostprovinz des Caplandes … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Tarka — Tarka, Distrikt in der Kapkolonie, 3696 qkm mit (1891) 7443 Einw. (darunter 3149 Weiße) … Meyers Großes Konversations-Lexikon