- vy-aṉṡa
- व्यंश
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Ansa — or ANSA can refer to any of the following:* Ansa (queen), 8th century, wife of Desiderius, king of the Lombards * Ansa (Hinduism) or IAST|Aṃśa in Hinduism, a solar deity and one of the Adityas. * ansa as part of Arabic words means constant As the … Wikipedia
ANSA — may refer to:*ANSA Applied Neuroscience Society of Australasia *ANSA Anaemia Nurse Specialist Association *ANSA (news agency) * ANSA, Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, also sometimes abbreviated NSA *Alliance of Norwegian… … Wikipedia
Ansa cervicalis — profunda Die Ansa cervicalis profunda (tiefe Halsnervenschlinge) ist eine Nervenschlinge, die von einer oberen Wurzel (Radix superior) aus Fasern der Segmente C1 und C2 und einer unteren Wurzel (Radix inferior) aus C2 und C3 des Plexus cervicalis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Ansa cervicalis profunda — Die Ansa cervicalis profunda (tiefe Halsnervenschlinge) ist eine Nervenschlinge der ventralen (bauchseitigen) Äste der Halswirbel Segmente C1 bis C3. Die Nervenschlinge wird dabei von einer oberen Wurzel (Radix superior) aus den Nervenfasern der… … Deutsch Wikipedia
ansă — ÁNSĂ, anse, s.f. 1. Toartă curbată în formă de arc la un vas, la un coş etc. 2. Formaţie anatomică în formă de toartă sau de laţ. 3. Fir de platină terminat cu un laţ, care serveşte la însămânţări de germeni în diferite medii de cultură. – Din fr … Dicționar Român
Ansa Mediterranean — (also ANSAmed) is a section of the Italian news agency ANSA. According to its website, it is a new press agency for the Mediterranean and about the Mediterranean .External links* [http://www.ansamed.info/en/ ANSAmed website] … Wikipedia
ANSA Pre-processor — ANSA is a CAE tool for Finite Element Analysis widely used in the automotive industry. It is developed by the BETA CAE Systems S.A.ee also*ANSYSExternal website [http://www.beta cae.gr/ansa.htm Company website] … Wikipedia
ANSA — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Agenzia Nazionale Stampa Associata Obtenido de ANSA … Wikipedia Español
ansa hypoglossi — ansa hy·po·glos·si .hī pə gläs .ī, glȯs , (.)ē n ANSA CERVICALIS … Medical dictionary
ansa — s.f. [dal lat. ansa ]. 1. [manico ricurvo di un anfora e sim.] ▶◀ ⇑ manico, maniglia, presa. 2. (fig., non com.) [motivazione, più o meno falsa, che si adduce come spiegazione del proprio comportamento] ▶◀ appiglio, pretesto, scusa. 3. (geogr.)… … Enciclopedia Italiana
ANSA — (лат. ручка сосуда, петля), в анатомии обозначает те или другие анат. образования, имеющие форму ручки сосуда или gn S г ел с с . .. :.; / h. d с ,<. a b о h . а с ;• > st Схема подъязычного нерва, указывающая на его связь с шейными… … Большая медицинская энциклопедия