- vy-utkrama
- व्युत्क्रम
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Jyā, koti-jyā and utkrama-jyā — are three trigonometric functions introduced by Indian astronomers and mathematicians. The earliest known Indian treatise containing references to these functions is Surya Siddhanta.[1] These are functions of arcs of circles and not functions of… … Wikipedia
sam-utkrama — समुत्क्रम … Indonesian dictionary
Aryabhata — For other uses, see Aryabhata (disambiguation). Āryabhaṭa Statue of Aryabhata on the grounds of IUCAA, Pune. As there is no known information regarding his appearance, any image of Aryabhata originates from an artist s conception. Born 476 … Wikipedia