

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Aryaman — (अर्यमन्, pronounced as əryəmən ; nominative singular is aryamā) is one of the early Vedic deities (devas). His name signifies bosom friend . He is the third son of Aditi. He is an Aditya, a solar deity. He is supposed to be the chief of the… …   Wikipedia

  • Mandala 5 — The fifth Mandala of the Rigveda has 87 hymns. Most hymns in this book are attributed to the atri family. The mandala is one of the family books (mandalas 2 7), the oldest core of the Rigveda. The hymns are dedicated mainly to Agni and Indra, the …   Wikipedia

  • Aryaman — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Ariamán es una de las deidades védicas (devas) más antiguas. Es uno de los Adityas, una deidad solar. अर्यमन्, en escritura devánagari. aryaman, en el sistema IAST de transliteración. se pronuncia ariamán. Según el… …   Wikipedia Español

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