- áṡva-rathá
- अश्वरथ
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Dvandva — A dvandva (Sanskrit द्वन्द्व dvandva pair ) or twin or Siamese compound refers to one or more objects that could be connected in sense by the conjunction and , where the objects refer to the parts of an agglomeration described by the compound.… … Wikipedia
Dvandva — (द्वन्द्व dvandva „Paar“) ist ein Begriff aus der Sanskrit Grammatik, der einen bestimmten Typ von Komposita bezeichnet. In linguistischer Terminologie ist ein Dvandva ein kopulatives bzw. koordinatives Kompositum. Das Dvandva bezeichnet eine… … Deutsch Wikipedia
History of the horse in South Asia — The horse has been present in South Asia from at least the mid 2nd millennium BC, more than two millennia after its domestication in Central Asia. The earliest uncontroversial evidence of horse remains on the Indian Subcontinent date to the early … Wikipedia
Chaturanga — Further information: Chess (disambiguation) This article is about the two player ancient game Chaturanga. For the four player version, played with dice, see Chaturaji. See also: Chaturanga (2008 film) Chaturanga pieces … Wikipedia
Caturanga — … Deutsch Wikipedia
Chaturanga — … Deutsch Wikipedia
Список праиндоевропейских корней — Для улучшения этой статьи желательно?: Найти и оформить в виде сносок ссылки на авторитетные источники, подтверждающие написанное … Википедия
Chadarangam — Chadaranga Pikkalu Rāju (king) … Wikipedia
Kamboja Kingdom — Kamboja or Kamvoja is one of the western kingdoms in the epic Mahabharata. Western kingdoms were cold countries and people used blankets. They also reared sheep and drank sheep milk. Kamboja Horses were of excellent quality. Their horses and even … Wikipedia
Ashva — Aśvaḥ (a Sanskrit word for a horse) is one of the significant animals finding references in several Hindu scriptures. The corresponding Avestan term is aspa . The word is cognate to Latin equus , Germanic * ehwaz and Baltic *ašvā all from PIE… … Wikipedia