- bhāga-vati
- भागवति
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Pongala — Pongala, which means “prosperity,” is a 10 day festival celebrated at the Attukal Amma Temple in Tiruvananthapuram (Trivandrum) in Kerala. It begins in the month of Kumbham (February–March). The main festival ritual, the boiling of rice in a… … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
Naga (mitología hinduista) — En el marco de la mitología hinduista, los nagás son un tipo de seres o semidioses inferiores con forma de serpiente. El dios Vishnú reposa sobre el nagá serpiente Ananta Shesha, mientras su consorte Lakshmí lo masajea … Wikipedia Español
dō- : dǝ-, also dō-u- : dǝu- : du- — dō : dǝ , also dō u : dǝu : du English meaning: to give Deutsche Übersetzung: “geben” Grammatical information: (perfective) Aoristwurzel with secondary present di dō mi. Material: O.Ind. dá dü ti (Aor. á dü m, Opt. dēyüm,… … Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary