- brāhmá-gupta
- ब्राह्मगुप्त
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
brahma-gupta — ब्रह्मगुप्त … Indonesian dictionary
Gupta — Empire Gupta गुप्त राजवंश (sa) IIIe siècle – VIe siècle L empire Gupta à son apogée … Wikipédia en Français
Imperio Gupta — El Imperio Gupta fue uno de los mayores imperios políticos y militares de la historia de la India. Fue gobernado por la dinastía Gupta entre el 240 y el 550 d. C. y ocupó la mayor parte de la India septentrional y de los actuales… … Wikipedia Español
Swami Satya Prakash Saraswati — Svami Satya Prakash Sarasvati is the editor and author of commentary for a complete edition of the ancient Hindu religious texts the Rig Veda,the Yajur Veda,the Sama Ved,and the Atharva Ved. His many other published works cover topics of Hinduism … Wikipedia
Hinduism — /hin dooh iz euhm/, n. the common religion of India, based upon the religion of the original Aryan settlers as expounded and evolved in the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, etc., having an extremely diversified character with many… … Universalium
Svayam Bhagavan — This article is about a Hindu philosophical concept: the original or absolute manifestation of God. For other meanings, see Krishna (disambiguation) and Bhagavan (disambiguation). Svayam Bhagavan (IAST IAST|svayam bhagavān ), The Lord or Lord… … Wikipedia
Buddhism — Buddhist, n., adj. Buddhistic, Buddhistical, adj. Buddhistically, adv. /booh diz euhm, bood iz /, n. a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that… … Universalium
Matrikas — This article is about Hindu goddesses called mātṛkās. For other use, see matrka. Matrikas Shiva (leftmost) with the Matrikas: (from left) Brahmani, Maheshvari, Kaumari, Vaishnavi, Varahi, Indrani, Chamunda … Wikipedia
Architektur Indiens — Tor am Großen Stupa von Sanchi (Madhya Pradesh, Zentralindien) Detail am hinduistischen Surya Tempel von Konark (Orissa, Ostindien) … Deutsch Wikipedia
Dravida-Stil — Tor am Großen Stupa von Sanchi (Madhya Pradesh, Zentralindien) Detail am hinduistischen Surya Tempel von Konark (Orissa, Ostindien) … Deutsch Wikipedia