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  • Bhattakalanka Deva — (or Bhattakalanka) was the third and the last of the notable Kannada grammarians from the medieval period. In 1604 CE, he authored a comprahensive text on old Kannada grammar called Karnataka Sabdanusasana in 592 Sanskrit sutras (a literary form… …   Wikipedia

  • Early Telugu epigraphy — Historians have deciphered writings on the walls of temples describing the names and gotra s (family groupings) of some Telugu Rajus and the contributions made by them to the temples and towns. Ancient Inscriptions Vishnukundina *No. 1. (A. R. No …   Wikipedia

  • Sāṃkhya — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El sistema sāṃkhya o samkhya (en devanagari सांख्य sāṃkhya: ‘enumeración’) es una de las seis darśanas o doctrinas clásicas del hinduismo, junto con vedānta, yoga, pūrva mīmāṃsā, nyāya y vaiśeṣika. De entre todas… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Samkhya — El sistema sankhia o samkhya (literalmente, ‘enumeración’, en idioma sánscrito) es una de las seis dárshanas o doctrinas clásicas del hinduismo Las otras doctrinas son: vedanta yoga purva mimamsa niaia y vaisesika. De entre todas ellas está… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Glossary of terms in Hinduism — The following is a glossary of terms and concepts in Hinduism. The list consists of concepts that are derived from both Hinduism and Hindu tradition, which are expressed as words in Sanskrit as well as other languages of India. The main purpose… …   Wikipedia

  • Mysore literature — Mysore Palace, completed in 1912, currently holds the royal archives which has a huge collection of records regarding composers under royal patronage, covering a period of over 100 years.[1] …   Wikipedia

  • Yantra — are instruments , or more simply symbols , usually used to focus the mind. Traditionally they are used in Eastern mysticism to balance the mind or focus it on a spiritual concept. The act of wearing, drawing, or concentrating on a yantra is said… …   Wikipedia

  • Maharshi Kapila — Maharishi Kapila (Hindi: कपिल ऋषि) is a Vedic sage, who as mentioned in the Srimad Bhagavatam is the author of basic principles of the Sankhya system of Indian philosophy as available in the classical Sankhya text, Sankhya Karika , in 70 (Sutras) …   Wikipedia

  • Devadasi — In Hinduism, the devadasi tradition (देवदासी / ದೇವದಾಸಿ; servant of god ) is a religious tradition in which girls are married and dedicated to a deity (deva or devi) or to a temple and includes performance aspects such as those that take place in… …   Wikipedia

  • The 36 tattvas — In Kaśmir Śaivism, the 36 tattvas describe the Absolute, its internal aspects and the creation including living beings, down to the physical reality. The addition of 11 supplemental tattvas compared to the IAST|Sāṃkhya allows for a richer, fuller …   Wikipedia

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