

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Buddhism — Buddhist, n., adj. Buddhistic, Buddhistical, adj. Buddhistically, adv. /booh diz euhm, bood iz /, n. a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that… …   Universalium

  • Outline of Buddhism — See also: Index of Buddhism related articles Flag of Buddhism …   Wikipedia

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  • Theravada — (Pāli: थेरवाद theravāda (cf Sanskrit: स्थविरवाद sthaviravāda ); literally, the Teaching of the Elders , or the Ancient Teaching ) is the oldest surviving Buddhist school. It is relatively conservative, and generally closest to early Buddhism… …   Wikipedia

  • Schools of Buddhism — The Schools of Buddhism. Buddhism is classified in various ways. The normal English language usage, as given in dictionaries, divides it into Theravada (also known by the name Hinayana, which many consider derogatory) and Mahayana. The most… …   Wikipedia

  • baddha-jīva — the conditioned soul who is bound by matter. With regard to the origin of the baddha jīva this passage states that Bhagavān’s eternal associates in the spiritual world do not have any contact with and are completely unaffected by the material… …   The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia

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