

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • dhor — ou dohr n. m. (Maghreb) Deuxième prière quotidienne des Musulmans, qui a lieu au début de l après midi …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • (dher-4:) dhor- : dher- —     (dher 4:) dhor : dher     English meaning: to jump, jump at, *stream, ray, drip, sperm     Deutsche Übersetzung: ‘springen, bespringen”     Material: O.Ind. dhü rü ‘stream, ray, drip, sperm “; Gk. (Ion.) θορός, θορή “ manly sperm “,… …   Proto-Indo-European etymological dictionary

  • dohr — dhor ou dohr n. m. (Maghreb) Deuxième prière quotidienne des Musulmans, qui a lieu au début de l après midi. dohr n. m. V. dhor …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Дор-эль-Ходиб — (Dhor el Chodîb) высочайшая вершина Ливана (3067 м) в сев. части цепи, в 30 км к ЮЗ от Триполи …   Энциклопедический словарь Ф.А. Брокгауза и И.А. Ефрона

  • List of Scheduled Tribes in India — This is a full list of Scheduled Tribes in India, as recognised in India s Constitution; a total of 645 district tribes. The term Scheduled Tribes refers to specific indigenous peoples whose status is acknowledged to some formal degree by… …   Wikipedia

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  • List of The Dying Earth characters — This is a list of characters in the Dying Earth series by Jack Vance. Contents 1 The Dying Earth 1.1 Title characters 1.2 Other characters 2 Rhialto the Marvellous …   Wikipedia

  • Hyathis — Superherobox| caption = Hyathis from Helmet of Fate: Zauriel #1, artist Peter Snejbjerg, character name =Hyathis publisher =DC Comics debut = Justice League of America vol. 1 #3, (February 1961) creators =Gardner Fox (writer)Mike Sekowsky… …   Wikipedia

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