

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • DRI — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda DRI puede designar a: Infraestructura de Renderizado Directo Direct Rendering Infrastructure El nombre de la banda estadounidense de Thrash Metal / Hardcore Punk D.R.I. Una clase de antidepresivos, los inhibidores de …   Wikipedia Español

  • DRI — or D.R.I. may stand for: Contents 1 Business 2 Government 3 Other organizations 4 Healthcare and bioscience 5 …   Wikipedia

  • DRI — steht für: Deklarative Referentielle Integrität, eine Funktionalität zur Sicherstellung der Datenkonsistenz auf SQL Servern Digital Research, Inc. Digital Rights Ireland, eine irische Initiative zur Wahrung von Bürgerrechten im digitalen… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • DRI — может означать: Direct Rendering Infrastructure в X Window System Digital Repositories Interoperability спецификация взаимодействия цифровых репозиториев, разработанная консорциумом IMS Digital Research, Inc. производитель ПО, поглощённый Novell …   Википедия

  • DRI — Defense Research Institute Short Dictionary of (mostly American) Legal Terms and Abbreviations …   Law dictionary

  • drı̏l — m 〈N mn drìlovi〉 1. {{001f}}a. {{001f}}vježbanje, uvježbavanje b. {{001f}}obuka, obučavanje 2. {{001f}}vojn. metoda vojne obuke kojom se postiže disciplina i slijepa poslušnost 3. {{001f}}pren. a. {{001f}}uporno podvrgavanje vježbanju i… …   Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika

  • DRI — (Digital Research Inc.) U.S. company specializing in market research and online data collection (located in Maine) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • dri|er — «DRY uhr», adjective, noun. –adj. more dry; comparative of dry: »This towel is drier than that one. –n. 1. a person or thing that dries. 2. = dryer. (Cf. ↑dryer) (def. 1) 3. a substance put in paint, varnish, ink, or other liquid, to make it dry… …   Useful english dictionary

  • dri|ly — «DRY lee», adverb. = dryly. (Cf. ↑dryly) …   Useful english dictionary

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