

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Ghâna — Ghana Pour les articles homonymes, voir Ghana (homonymie). Republic of Ghana (en) …   Wikipédia en Français

  • GHANA — La république du Gh na (ancienne Gold Coast britannique) est un État de l’Ouest africain, indépendant depuis 1957. Il doit son nom au président Kwame Nkrumah qui le lui a attribué en souvenir de l’ancien royaume du Gh na, bien qu’il ne recouvre… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Ghana — País de África: «En el naufragio perecieron [...] dos marineros de Santo Tomé y uno de Ghana» (FVigo [Esp.] 7.2.01). Dado que esta grafía está plenamente asentada en el uso español, no se recomienda su hispanización. El gentilicio es ghanés: «El… …   Diccionario panhispánico de dudas

  • Ghana — Gha na (g[aum] n[.a]) prop. n. A country in Western Africa, bordering the North Atlantic Ocean, between Cote d Ivoire and Togo, with Burkina Faso bordering on the north, with a population of 17,698,271 (July 1996 est), and a total area of 238,540 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Ghana — er et land på Afrikas sydvest kyst. Halvdelen af Ghanas befolkning er under 15 år …   Danske encyklopædi

  • Ghana — since 1957, name of the former Gold Coast; from the name of a former tribal chieftain, whose name itself is a form of a royal title, hence, “king.” …   Etymology dictionary

  • Ghana — [gä′nə] country in W Africa, on the Gulf of Guinea: formed (1957) by a merger of the Gold Coast & part of Togoland: member of the Commonwealth: 92,099 sq mi (238,535 sq km); pop. 12,296,000; cap. Accra Ghanaian [gä nē′ən, gänā′ən] adj., n …   English World dictionary

  • Ghana — Republic of Ghana Republik Ghana …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ghana — Ghanaian, Ghanian /gah nee euhn, gan ee /, n., adj. /gah neuh, gan euh/, n. 1. a republic in West Africa comprising the former colonies of the Gold Coast and Ashanti, the protectorate of the Northern Territories, and the U.N. trusteeship of… …   Universalium

  • Ghana — Infobox Country conventional long name = Republic of Ghana common name = Ghana national motto = Freedom and Justice national anthem = God Bless Our Homeland Ghana [] official languages = English capital =… …   Wikipedia

  • Ghana — 7° 41′ 00″ N 0° 59′ 00″ W / 7.68333, 0.983333 …   Wikipédia en Français

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