

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • ikh — ikh·wan; …   English syllables

  • Ikh Uul — ( mn. Их Уул, big mountain ) is the name for a large number of mountains in Mongolia, including *Ikh Uul, a 2961 m high mountain on the western shore of Lake Khövsgöl, *Ikh Barzan Uul, a mountain some km south of Bürentogtokh, Khövsgöl sum center …   Wikipedia

  • Ikh-mingat — Parlée en  Chine Région Heilongjiang Nombre de locuteurs 400[1 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Ikh-Uul — is the name of two sums (districts) in Mongolia: * Ikh Uul, Khövsgöl * Ikh Uul, Zavkhan …   Wikipedia

  • Ikh-Tamir — ( mn. Их тамир) is a sum (district) of Arkhangai Province in central Mongolia. The Tamir River passes through the sum …   Wikipedia

  • Ikh-Uul, Zavkhan — Ikh Uul ( mn. Их Уул) is a sum of Zavkhan Province in western Mongolia …   Wikipedia

  • Ikh Khorig — The Ikh Khorig, or Great Taboo, is a 240 km² area in the Khentii Aimag (province) of Mongolia, believed by some to be the location of Genghis Khan’s grave. It has been carefully guarded for most of its history, and it is only since the late 1980s …   Wikipedia

  • Ikh-Uul, Khövsgöl — NOTOC Ikh Uul ( mn. Их Уул= big mountain ) is a sum of Khövsgöl aimag. The area is about 2,020 km², of which 1,350 km² are pasture and about 11 km² are farmland. In 2000, the sum had 3959 inhabitants, mainly Khalkha and Khotgoid. The center,… …   Wikipedia

  • IKH — I.K.H. ist eine Abkürzung für: Ihre Kaiserliche Hoheit (vor dem Titel und Namen der nichtregierenden Mitglieder einer kaiserlichen Familie), siehe Kaiser Ihre Königliche Hoheit (vor dem Titel und Namen der nichtregierenden Mitglieder einer… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • IKH — abbr. Internet Know How …   Dictionary of abbreviations

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