- jalá-deva
- जलदेव
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Batido del océano de leche — El batido del océano de leche es uno de los mitos fundamentales del hinduismo. En sánscrito se llama samudra manthana (batido del océano). El batido del océano de leche. El avatara Kurma de Vishnú, sumergido sosteniendo la montaña Mandara,… … Wikipedia Español
Muthuswami Dikshitar — Background information Born March 24, 1775 Origin … Wikipedia
The 36 tattvas — In Kaśmir Śaivism, the 36 tattvas describe the Absolute, its internal aspects and the creation including living beings, down to the physical reality. The addition of 11 supplemental tattvas compared to the IAST|Sāṃkhya allows for a richer, fuller … Wikipedia
Balija — is a warrior / trading / agrarian community found in the Indian states of Andhra Pradesh (concentrated in the Rayalaseema region), Tamil Nadu and Karnataka. They are also found in Maharashtra and Kerala.Balija is a sub caste of the Kapu (caste).… … Wikipedia
Sanni Yakuma — Sanni yakuma, sometimes known as Daha ata sanniya is a traditional Sinhalese exorcism ritual. The ritual consists of 18 dances, each depicting a particular illness or ailment affecting humans. These 18 dances are the main dances of the… … Wikipedia
Raja Ganesha — (1415) was a ruler of Bengal for a very short period, who overthrew the Ilyas dynasty rule from Bengal. The Indo Persian historians of the medieval period considered him as an infidel usurper. The dynasty founded by him ruled over Bengal from… … Wikipedia
Symbolique du serpent — Vishnu chevauchant Garuda En Inde et dans toutes les régions avoisinantes, depuis l’aube de la civilisation indienne, le serpent joue un rôle clé, et fait l’objet d’une grande vénération et des cultes les plus divers ; et le bouddhisme comme … Wikipédia en Français
Balarāma — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Mural del siglo XVII del dios Balarama, en una pared de un templo hinduista … Wikipedia Español
Chamak copper plates — The Chamak copper plates are an epigraphic record of the Vakataka (more properly Vākāṭaka) dynasty, documenting a land donation to brāhmaṇas in the reign king Pravarasena II in the fifth century CE. They were found at Chamak, in District Amravati … Wikipedia
Dance Premier League — (DPL) Title card of Dance Premier League . Genre Dance reality show Presented by Hussain Kuwajerwala, Eijaz Khan, Sara Khan … Wikipedia