- jumara
- जुमर
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
jumară — JUMÁRĂ, jumări, s.f. 1. (Mai ales la pl.) Resturile (comestibile) rezultate din topirea slăninii, a osânzii sau a seului. 2. (La pl.) Mâncare făcută din ouă bătute şi prăjite în grăsime; papară, scrob. [pl. şi: (1) jumere] – cf. bg. ž u m e r k i … Dicționar Român
jumárã — s. f., pl. (rest de la topirea slãninei) jumäri … Romanian orthography
jumara-nandin — जुमरनन्दिन् … Indonesian dictionary
jūmara-nandin — जूमरनन्दिन् … Indonesian dictionary
Shadowspawn — In the world of the Wheel of Time series by Robert Jordan, Shadowspawn include a number of species, with varying levels of sentience, that have been created by the Dark One or other agents of the Shadow. Contents 1 Trollocs 2 Myrddraal 3… … Wikipedia
Places in the Wheel of Time series — This article is about the countries, cities, towns, and other important locations in Robert Jordan’s The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction series. With the publication in 1997 of The World of Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time (often called World ),… … Wikipedia
Heliodoro Dols — Morell (n. 7 de diciembre de 1933, Valencia, España) es un arquitecto valenciano. Premio Nacional de Arquitectura, su proyecto más representativo es el Santuario de Torreciudad (1969 1970), en el Pirineo aragonés. También es suyo el museo… … Wikipedia Español
María Eleonora I Boncompagni — (Isola di Liri, 10 de abril de 1686 – Roma, 5 de enero de 1745) fue hija de Gregorio I Boncompagni y de Hipólita I Ludovisi, y heredó de su madre el principado de Piombino, el principado de Venosa, el marquesado de Populonia, el condado de Conta… … Wikipedia Español
Wheel of Time locations — A map of the Lands between the Mountains of Dhoom, the Aryth Ocean, the Sea of Storms and the Spine of the World. This article is about countries, cities, towns, and other important locations in Robert Jordan s The Wheel of Time fantasy fiction… … Wikipedia
Sternula superciliaris — Charrancito amazónico … Wikipedia Español