- kat-tri
- कत्त्रि
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
trı̏jumfālan — trı̏jumfāl|an prid. 〈odr. lnī〉 1. {{001f}}koji je u slavu pobjede i pobjednika; pobjednički, pobjedonosan 2. {{001f}}koji je radostan; ushićen ∆ {{001f}}∼ni luk 1. {{001f}}slavoluk 2. {{001f}}kat. arhit. visoki luk koji dijeli prezbiterij od… … Veliki rječnik hrvatskoga jezika
Columbia/Tri-Star Television — Screen Gems Screen Gems est le nom utilisé successivement par trois filiales du studio de cinéma américain Columbia Pictures. Sommaire 1 Première incarnation 2 Seconde incarnation 3 Troisième incarnation … Wikipédia en Français
cat|a|di|op|tri|cal — «KAT uh dy OP truh kuhl», adjective. = catadioptric. (Cf. ↑catadioptric) … Useful english dictionary
trifurcate — [trī′fər kāt΄, trī′fərkit; trī fʉr′kāt΄, trī fʉr′kit] adj. [< L trifurcus < tri ,TRI + furca, a fork + ATE1] having three forks or branches: also trifurcated trifurcation n … English World dictionary
catatricrotism — A condition of the pulse marked by three minor expansions of the artery following the main beat, producing three secondary upward waves on the downstroke of the pulse tracing. [cata + G. tri , three, + krotos, beat] * * * cata·tri·cro·tism… … Medical dictionary
catatricrotic — Denoting a pulse tracing with three minor elevations interrupting the downstroke. * * * cata·tri·crot·ic (kat″ə tri krotґik) on a pulse tracing, having three waveforms on the descending limb; see under pulse … Medical dictionary
Leichhardt tree — /ˈlaɪkat tri/ (say luykaht tree) noun a large handsome tree of northern Australia, Sarcocephalus coadunatus, with large glossy leaves and dense clusters of yellow flowers …
Triplikat — Tri|pli|kat 〈n. 11; selten〉 dritte Ausfertigung * * * Tri|p|li|kat, das; [e]s, e [zu lat. triplicatum, 2. Part. von: triplicare = verdreifachen, zu: triplex = dreifach, aus: tri = drei u. plex, wohl zu: plaga (< griech. pláx) = Fläche]… … Universal-Lexikon
Triplikat — Tri|pli|kat 〈n.; Gen.: (e)s, Pl.: e〉 dritte Ausfertigung … Lexikalische Deutsches Wörterbuch
Triplikat — Tri|pli|kat das; [e]s, e <aus lat. triplicatum, Part. Perf. (Neutrum) von triplicare »verdreifachen«> dritte Ausfertigung [eines Schreibens] … Das große Fremdwörterbuch