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  • Vallabha — Acharia (4 de abril de 1479 − 1531) fue un pensador religioso indio. Etimología: vāllabha: ‘querido’, y āchārya: ‘maestro [que enseña con su conducta, achara]’. Los ancestros de Vallabha vivían en Andhra Pradesh. De acuerdo con su hagiografía,… …   Wikipedia Español

  • VALLABHA — (1481 1533) Philosophe hindou. Vallabha est l’auteur d’une interprétation dualiste du védânta (ved nta ). Celui ci, qui occupe une place privilégiée parmi les grands darshanas de l’hindouisme, a connu, en effet, outre l’expression que lui a… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Vallabha — (1473–1531)    Vedanta philosopher    Vallabha was one of the great exponents of devo tional VEDANTA. He was born in 1473 to a Telegu BRAHMIN, Lakshmana Bhatta, and his wife, Yel lamma Garu, a member of an influential South Indian family. Her… …   Encyclopedia of Hinduism

  • Vallabha Acharya — Infobox Philosopher region = Indian philosophy era = Medieval philosophy color = #B0C4DE image size = 200px image caption = Shri Vallabhacharyaji Shri Mahaprabhuji name = Akhand Bhoomandalacharya Jagadguru Mahaprabhu Shrimad Vallabhacharyachaji… …   Wikipedia

  • Vallabha — ▪ Hindu philosopher also called Vallabhācārya born 1479, Benares, Jaunpur, India died 1531, Benares       Hindu philosopher and founder of the important devotional sect the Vallabhācāryas, also known as the puṣṭimārga (“the way of prosperity, or… …   Universalium

  • Vallabha — Vạllabha   [v ], indischer Heiliger und Philosoph, * 1479, ✝ 1531; Philosoph des Vedanta und letzter großer Kommentator der Brahmasutras. Vallabha, der einen reinen von der Maya Lehre freien Monismus (Shuddhadvaita, zu shuddha »unverfälscht«,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Vallabha Acharya — Pour les articles homonymes, voir Acharya. Vallabha Ācārya ou Vallabhācārya[1] (1481 1533)[2] est un philosophe indien de la tradition philosophique astika[3] d obédian …   Wikipédia en Français

  • VALLABHA — (1480 1535 ?)    a BRAHMIN who helped found the VALLABHCRYA branch of HINDUISM. He promoted his own version of NON DUALISM arguing that MY is GOD s creative activity and not a pure illusion as AKARA has suggested. His theology was PANENTHEISTIC… …   Concise dictionary of Religion

  • vallabha — वल्लभ …   Indonesian dictionary

  • vallabha-dāsa — वल्लभदास …   Indonesian dictionary

  • vallabha-deva — वल्लभदेव …   Indonesian dictionary

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