- kiknasa
- किक्नस
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
cneorum — nēˈōrəm, ȯr noun Usage: capitalized Etymology: New Latin, from Greek kneōron, a plant, probably spurge flax (Daphne gnidium); probably akin to Gothic hnasqus soft, Sanskrit kiknasa grits, and Latin cinis ashes more at incinerate : a small genus… … Useful english dictionary
nesh — I. ˈnesh adjective Etymology: Middle English nesshe, nesche, from Old English hnesce; akin to Old High German nascōn to nibble, eat dainties, Gothic knasqus soft, fine, tender, Greek kneōron, kneōros spurge flax, Sanskrit kiknasa particles of… … Useful english dictionary