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  • kīrtana — ▪ Hindu worship       form of musical worship or group devotion practiced by the Vaiṣṇava sects (followers of the god Vishnu) of Bengal. Kīrtana usually consists of a verse sung by a soloist and then repeated by a chorus, to the accompaniment of… …   Universalium

  • Kirtana — Le kirtana (en tamoul (கீர்த்தனை) est une partie du râgam dans la musique carnatique. Il s agit d un chant représentant des scènes védiques (notamment des Purânas). Contrairement aux kritis, les paroles sont plus importantes que la mélodie, car… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Shreekrishna Kirtana — Kabya (Bengali: শ্রীকৃষ্ণকীর্তন কাব্য) or Sri Krishna Kirtana Kabya is a pastoral Vaishnava drama in verse composed by Boru Chandidas. It is considered to be the most significant work after Charyapada in the history of Bengali literature. These… …   Wikipedia

  • Smita Krishna Swami — Smita Krishna Swami, born in Sweden in 1952, is an ISKCON swami. [ [http://www.iskcon.net.au/sannyasaministry/listing List of Sannyasis in ISKCON April 2008] ISKCON Sannyasa Ministry, Retrieved on 2008 05 05] . He became a sannyasa in 1986 and is …   Wikipedia

  • Kirtan — (Sanskrit to repeat ) [MacDonell, A. A. (2004). A practical Sanskrit Dictonary. Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass.] is call and response chanting performed in India s devotional traditions. [ [http://encarta.msn.com/dictionary 561538818/kirtan.html… …   Wikipedia

  • Raga — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda No debe confundirse con Ragga. En la música clásica de la India, Pakistán y Bangladesh, los raga son esquemas melódicos de improvisación, basados en una colección dada de notas (generalmente de cinco a siete) y… …   Wikipedia Español

  • History of Bengali literature — Bengali literature Bengali literature (By category) Bengali language Bengali literary history History of Bengali literature Bengali language authors …   Wikipedia

  • Srimanta Sankardeva — Srimanta Shankardeva Born 1449 Bordowa, Nagaon, Assam, India Died 1568 Bheladonga Titles/honours Venerated as Mahapurusha Founder of Mahapuruxiya Dharma Phil …   Wikipedia

  • Haridasa Thakur — Infobox ReligiousBio background = #FFA01A name = Haridasa Thakur religion = Gaudiya Vaishnavism ISKCON alias = Mama thakur, Yavana Haridas, location = Mayapur and Puri India Title = Nama acharya of the International Society for Krishna… …   Wikipedia

  • Bhakti-Yoga — (Sanskrit, m., भक्ति योग, bhakti yoga) ist im Hinduismus die Bezeichnung für den Weg der liebenden Hingabe an Gott, der meist als persönlich angesehen wird. Bhakti ist in allen Hauptrichtungen des Hinduismus, dem Vishnuismus, Shivaismus und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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