

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Maha Kapphina — (Kappina, Kaphina, Kapphina, Kampilla, Kaphila or Kashphila, or Maha Kappina),[1] also called Maha Kapphina Thera, was an eminent Arahant from Uttarapatha and is considered foremost among those who taught the monks.[2] Maha Kapphina was his… …   Wikipedia

  • Buddha Yodfa Chulaloke — King Rama I King of Siam Reign 6 April 1782 – 7 September 1809 ( 1000000000000002700000027 years, 10000000000000154000000154 days) …   Wikipedia

  • Maha Sura Singhanat — Front Palace Monument of Maha Surasinghanat at Wat Mahathat Vice King of Siam Tenure …   Wikipedia

  • Maha Senanurak — Vice King of Siam Front Palace of Siam Tenure 7 September 1809 July 16, 1817 Appointed Buddha Loetla Nabhalai (Rama II) Predecessor Isarasundhorn (Rama II) Successor Maha Sakdi Polsep …   Wikipedia

  • Maha Sarakham Province — Maha Sarakham มหาสารคาม   Province   …   Wikipedia

  • Maha Sakdi Polsep — Front Palace Vice King of Siam Tenure 21 July 1824 – 1 May 1832 Appointed Jessadabodindra (Rama III) Predecessor Maha Senanurak Successor Pinklao …   Wikipedia

  • Maha Bodhi School — Name Maha Bodhi School Abbreviation MBS School code 5601 Chinese name …   Wikipedia

  • Maha Sakdi Polsep — (mit Titulatur Somdet Phra Bawornrajachao Maha Sakdi Polsep, Thai: สมเด็จพระบวรราชเจ้ามหาศักดิพลเสพ; * 21. Oktober 1785 in Bangkok; † 1. Mai 1832 ebendort) war von 1824 bis zu seinem Tod Thronanwärter in Siam. Maha Sakdi Polsep wurde… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Buddha-nature — (Classical Chinese: 佛性, modern pinyin fó xìng , literally corresponds to the Sanskrit, Buddha dhatu Buddha Element , Buddha Principle , but seems to have been used most frequently to translate the Sanskrit Tathāgata garbha , meaning Buddha Matrix …   Wikipedia

  • Buddha Bar — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda La entrada a Buddha Bar El Buddha Bar es un exclusivo lugar parisino, bar y restaurante lounge muy de moda desde septiembre de 1996 cuando fue inaugurado por Elizabeth Castro y Thierry Bégué. Cerca de la Plaz …   Wikipedia Español

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