

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Meru — Para el monte de Tanzania, véase Monte Meru (Tanzania). Un thangka butanés del monte Meru y el universo budista. Trongsa (Bután), siglo XIX. El monte Meru es una montaña mítica, que es considerada sagrada en varias cult …   Wikipedia Español

  • meru-candra-tantra — मेरुचन्द्रतन्त्र …   Indonesian dictionary

  • Mount Meru (mythology) — For the mountain in Tanzania, see Mount Meru (Tanzania). Mount Meru (Sanskrit: मेरु) (also called Sumeru i.e the great Meru ) is a sacred mountain in Hindu, Buddhist cosmology, and Jain mythology considered to be the center of all physical and… …   Wikipedia

  • Mount Meru — For other uses, see Mount Meru (disambiguation). Painting of Mount Meru as per Jain cosmology from Jain text Samghayanarayana loose leaf manuscript …   Wikipedia

  • Shaktism — ( Sanskrit: IAST|Śāktaṃ, sa. शाक्तं; lit., doctrine of power or doctrine of the Goddess ) is a denomination of Hinduism that focuses worship upon Shakti or Devi – the Hindu Divine Mother – as the absolute, ultimate Godhead. It is, along with… …   Wikipedia

  • Buddhism — Buddhist, n., adj. Buddhistic, Buddhistical, adj. Buddhistically, adv. /booh diz euhm, bood iz /, n. a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that… …   Universalium

  • Mandala — For other uses, see Mandala (disambiguation). Thangka painting of Vajradhatu Mandala Maṇḍala (मण्डल) is a Sanskrit word that means circle . In the Buddhist and Hindu religious traditions their sacred art often takes a mandala form. The basic form …   Wikipedia

  • Mantra — In Tibet, many Buddhists carve mantras into rocks as a form of meditation. A mantra (Tib.སྔགས་ ngak; Wyl. sngags) [1] is a sound, syllable, word, or group of words that is considered capable of creating transformation (cf. spiritual… …   Wikipedia

  • BOUDDHISME - Bouddhisme indien — Le bouddhisme propose à l’homme trois refuges, le Buddha, sa doctrine et sa communauté. Les trois ont leur histoire, longue de deux millénaires et demi: la représentation de la personne du premier a toujours évolué, les conceptions doctrinales… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Geschichte der Tibetischen Astronomie — Buddha als Verkünder der Kālacakra Lehren, der Lehren vom Rad der Zeit Die Geschichte der Tibetischen Astronomie ist die Darstellung der Entwicklung einer im historischen Tibet verbreiteten Wissenschaft (tib.: rig gnas; „Ort des Wissens“) über… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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