

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Dvija — (Sanskrit twice born) is one of the members of the first three varnas in Hindu Dharma. Brahmins, Kshatriyas and Vaishyas are included in Dvija. The first birth is physical. The second occurs when one uptakes fulfilling a role in society. One is… …   Wikipedia

  • Dvija Madhab — (Bengali: দ্বিজ মাধব), or Madhabacharya (Bengali: মাধবাচার্য) (c. 16th century) was a Bengali poet of the Middle Ages and one of the most significant contributor to Chandimangalkavya tradition of medieval Bengali literature. His work, Sarada… …   Wikipedia

  • Dvija — Dans la religion hindouiste, un Dvija (« deux fois né » en sanskrit) est un des membres des trois premiers varnas. Brahmanes, Kshatriyas et Vaishyas sont inclus dans les Dvija, bien que dans beaucoup de Shastras, Dvija réfère… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • dvija — /dvee jah/, n. Hinduism. a person who is twice born: a distinction made between the first three classes of society and the lowest class, the Shudra. Only the dvijas may study the Vedas. [ < Skt] * * * ▪ Hinduism Sanskrit“twice born”       in the… …   Universalium

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  • dvija — anyone among the brāhmaṇas, kṣatriyas, or vaiśyas who has received a ‘second birth’ through the upanayana saṁskāra of being invested with the sacred thread, which prepares one for studying the Vedas …   The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia

  • dvija — /dvee jah/, n. Hinduism. a person who is twice born: a distinction made between the first three classes of society and the lowest class, the Shudra. Only the dvijas may study the Vedas. [ < Skt] …   Useful english dictionary

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