- ni-yogin
- नियोगिन्
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
yogin — / jɔgin/ s.m. [dal sanscr. yōġin ]. 1. (relig., filos.) [chi pratica lo yoga come tecnica ascetica] ▶◀ yoghi, yogi. 2. (estens.) [chi insegna o pratica lo yoga come esercizio ginnico] ▶◀ [➨ yogin (1)] … Enciclopedia Italiana
yogin — YOGÍN s.m. v. yoghin. Trimis de spall, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DEX 98 YOGÍN s.m. v. yoghin. Trimis de LauraGellner, 13.09.2007. Sursa: DN … Dicționar Român
Yogin — Yogin, in Indien ein in Yoga, d.i. die tiefste religiöse Betrachtung, Versunkener, einer welcher von dem Welttreiben aus u. in das beschauliche Leben eintritt … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
yogin — noun see yogi … New Collegiate Dictionary
Yogin — Yo|gi [j… ], Jogi , Yo|gin, Jogin, der; [s], s [sanskr. yogi(n)]: indischer Büßer brahmanischen Glaubens, der Yoga ausübt. * * * Yo|gi, Jogi, Yo|gin, Jogin, der; s, s [sanskr. yogi(n)]: Anhänger des Yoga: Wenn Sie einem Yogi beim tiefen Atmen… … Universal-Lexikon
YOGIN — among the Hindus one who has achieved his yoga, over whom nothing perishable has any longer power, for whom the laws of nature no longer exist, who is emancipated from this life, so that death even will add nothing to his bliss, it being his… … The Nuttall Encyclopaedia
yogin — yò·gin s.m. e f.inv. var. → yogi … Dizionario italiano
yogin — योगिन् … Indonesian dictionary
Yogin — D✓Yo|gi [j... ], Jo|gi , D✓Yo|gin, Jo|gin, der; [s], s <sanskritisch> (Anhänger des Yoga) … Die deutsche Rechtschreibung
yogin — I. noun see yogi 1 II. noun see yogi 2 * * * yōˈgi / gē/ or yōˈgin noun (also fem yōgiˈni) a person who practises the yoga system, consisting in the withdrawal of the senses from external objects, the holding of special postures or asanas for… … Useful english dictionary
abhi-yogin — अभियोगिन् … Indonesian dictionary