- pañca-janá
- पञ्चजन
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Rigvedic tribes — The Indo Aryan tribes mentioned in the Rigveda are described as semi nomadic pastoralists, subdivided into temporary settlements ( vish , viś) and headed by a tribal chief ( raja , rājan) assisted by a priestly caste. They formed a warrior… … Wikipedia
Glossary of Buddhism — Several Buddhist terms and concepts lack direct translations into English that cover the breadth of the original term. Below are given a number of important Buddhist terms, short definitions, and the languages in which they appear. In this list,… … Wikipedia
Kambhoji — Carnatic Music Concepts Sruti • Swara • Raga • Tala • Melakarta • Asampurna Melakarta Compositions Varnam • Kriti • Geetham • Swarajati • Ragam Thanam Pallavi • Thil … Wikipedia
Kambojas — The Kambojas were a Kshatriya tribe of Iron Age India, frequently mentioned in ( post Vedic ) Sanskrit and Pali literature, making their first appearance in the Mahabharata and contemporary Vedanga literature (roughly from the 7th century BCE).… … Wikipedia
Kamboja Aupamanyava — The Kambojas are a very ancient Kshatriya tribe of the north western parts of the Indian subcontinent, of what now forms north eastern Afghanistan and southern parts of Tajikstan. They are frequently mentioned in ancient Indian texts, although… … Wikipedia
Nepal — /neuh pawl , pahl , pal , nay /, n. a constitutional monarchy in the Himalayas between N India and Tibet. 22,641,061; ab. 54,000 sq. mi. (140,000 sq. km). Cap.: Katmandu. * * * Nepal Introduction Nepal Background: In 1951, the Nepalese monarch… … Universalium
Scholarship among Ancient Kambojas — The Kambojas are an ancient people of the north western Indian subcontinent (Central Asia), frequently mentioned in ancient Indian texts (though not directly in the Rig Veda). They spoke an Indo Iranian derived language, an Indo European family… … Wikipedia
Ancient India and Central Asia — have long traditions of social cultural, religious, political and economic contact since remote antiquity [ Alberuni s India, 2001, p 19 21, Edward C. Sachau History; Dates of the Buddha, 1987, p 126, Shriram Sathe; Foundations of Indian Culture … Wikipedia