- pañcâ̱varta
- पञ्चावर्त
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Republican Kambojas — There are several ancient literary and inscriptional references which testify that the ancient Kambojas were a republican people. References in Sanskrit and Pali literature attest terms like e Gana , Samgha , Shreni and other similar bodies… … Wikipedia
Kambojas and Cambodia — Cambodia or Kambodia is the English transliteration of the French name Kambodge , which name stands for Sanskrit Kamboja (Persian Kambujiya or Kambaujiya ). In Chinese historical accounts, the land was known as Chenla. The ancient inscriptions of … Wikipedia
Ashvakas — The Ashvakas or Ashvayanas, classically called the Asenes ( la. Aseni), are a very ancient people of north east Afghanistan (Nuristan) and the entire Peshawar Valley up to Punjab, Pakistan. They are/were a sub group of the Greater Kamboja tribe… … Wikipedia
Kambojas in Indian literature — The Kamboja peoples are referenced in numerous Sanskrit and Pali literature including Sama Veda, Atharvaveda, Ramayana, Mahabharata, Puranas, Kautiliya s Arthashastra, Yasaka s Nirukata, Buddhist Jatakas, Jaina Canons, ancient grammar books and… … Wikipedia
SANSKRITES (LANGUE ET LITTÉRATURE) — Le sanskrit est une des grandes langues de civilisation de l’Asie. Son origine est indo européenne. Le premier monument littéraire en cette langue qui nous soit parvenu est le ブgveda , anthologie d’hymnes religieux composés dans le nord ouest de… … Encyclopédie Universelle