- pi-nyāsa
- पिन्यास
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Nyasa languages — Nyasa Geographic distribution: Malawi and surrounding areas, C Mozambique Linguistic classification: Niger–Congo Atlantic–Congo Benue–Congo Bantoid … Wikipedia
Nyasa Times — is an online news site providing Malawian news founded by Edgar Chibaka who remains its Managing Editor assisted by Thom Chiumia. It began reporting in late 2006.[1] According to its own website it received over 8 million hits per month in… … Wikipedia
Nyasa — Nyasa, also spelled Nyassa or Niassa, is a common word for lake in the languages spoken around what is now known as Lake Malawi. In the colonial period that lake was called Lake Nyasa and Malawi was named Nyasaland. Categories: Geography of… … Wikipedia
Nyasa — [nyä′sä, nī as′ə] Lake another name for MALAWI Lake … English World dictionary
nyasa — I. (ˈ)nī|asə, nēˈa , ˈnya adjective Usage: usually capitalized Etymology: from Nyasaland, southeastern Africa 1. : of, relating to, or characteristic of Nyasaland Nyasa Africans Nyasa Europeans … Useful english dictionary
Nyasa, Lake — ▪ lake, Africa also called Lake Malaŵi, lake, southernmost and third largest of the East African Rift Valley lakes of East Africa, lying in a deep trough mainly within Malaŵi. The lake s middle line and its northern and eastern shores… … Universalium
Nyasa lovebird — rausvagalvis agapornis statusas T sritis zoologija | vardynas atitikmenys: lot. Agapornis lilianae angl. Nyasa lovebird vok. Erdbeerköpfchen, n rus. неразлучник Лилианы, m pranc. inséparable de Lilian, m ryšiai: platesnis terminas – agaporniai … Paukščių pavadinimų žodynas
Nyasa, Lake — geographical name see Malawi (Lake) … New Collegiate Dictionary
Nyasa,Lake — Ny·as·a (nī ăsʹə, nyäʹsä), Lake also Lake Malawi A lake of southeast central Africa between Tanzania, Mozambique, and Malawi. It was named by David Livingstone in 1899. * * * … Universalium
Nyasa — /nyah sah, nuy as euh/, n. former name of Malawi (def. 2). Also, Nyassa. * * * … Universalium
Nyasa — altNyasa o Malawi/alt ► Lago de África sudoriental, entre Malawi, Tanzania y Mozambique; 30 800 km … Enciclopedia Universal