- ṛiph
- ऋफ्
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
riph — pe·riph·er·ad; pe·riph·er·al·ism; pe·riph·er·al·ly; pe·riph·ery; pe·riph·ra·sis; pe·riph·y·sis; pe·riph·y·ton; pe·riph·er·al; … English syllables
RIPH — Royal Institute of Public Health … Medical dictionary
riph — रिफ् … Indonesian dictionary
RIPH — • Royal Institute of Public Health … Dictionary of medical acronyms & abbreviations
RIPH — abbrev Royal Institute of Public Health … Useful english dictionary
pe|riph´er|al|ly — pe|riph|er|al «puh RIHF uhr uhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. having to do with, situated in, or forming an outside boundary: »More houses and parks were to be seen in the peripheral areas of the city. 2. a) of the surface or outer part of a body;… … Useful english dictionary
pe|riph|er|al — «puh RIHF uhr uhl», adjective, noun. –adj. 1. having to do with, situated in, or forming an outside boundary: »More houses and parks were to be seen in the peripheral areas of the city. 2. a) of the surface or outer part of a body; external. b)… … Useful english dictionary
pe|riph|er|y — «puh RIHF uhr ee», noun, plural er|ies. 1. an outside boundary. 2. Geometry. a) the circumference of a circle or other closed curve. b) the sum of the sides of a polygon. c) the length of, or the boundary line of, any closed plane figure. d) the… … Useful english dictionary
pe|riph|ra|sis — «puh RIHF ruh sihs», noun, plural ses « seez». a roundabout way of speaking or writing; circumlocution: »“The wife of your father s brother” is a periphrasis for “your aunt.” ╂[< Latin periphrasis < Greek períphrasis < periphrázein speak … Useful english dictionary
ā-riph — आरिफ् … Indonesian dictionary