- saṉ-ṡaya
- संशय
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
San, Saya — orig. Ya Gyaw born Oct. 24, 1876, East Thayetkan, Shewbo district, Burma died Nov. 16, 1931, Tharrawaddy Political leader of Burma (Myanmar). A Buddhist monk, physician, and astrologer in Siam (Thailand) and Burma, he joined an extreme… … Universalium
San, Saya — orig. Ya Gyaw (24 oct. 1876, Thayetkan oriental, distrito de Shewbo, Birmania–16 nov. 1931, Tharrawaddy). Líder político de Birmania (Myanmar). Monje budista, médico y astrólogo en Siam (Tailandia) y Birmania, se unió a un grupo ultranacionalista … Enciclopedia Universal
San — (Apócope de santo.) ► adjetivo 1 RELIGIÓN Se aplica a la persona que ha sido canonizada por la iglesia, antepuesto a nombres propios de varón a excepción de Tomás, Tomé, Domingo y Toribio. FRASEOLOGÍA san Bernardo ZOOLOGÍA Raza de perros, grandes … Enciclopedia Universal
San — /sahn/, n. a river in central Europe, flowing from the Carpathian Mountains in W Ukraine through SE Poland into the Vistula: battles 1914 15. ab. 280 mi. (450 km) long. /sahn/, n., pl. Sans (esp. collectively) San for. 1. 1. a member of a nomadic … Universalium
Saya San — est un nom birman ; les principes des noms et prénoms ne s appliquent pas ; U et Daw sont des titres de respect. Saya San (birman ဆရာစံ, sʰəjà sàɴ ; 24 octobre 1876 28 novembre 1931) était un moine bouddhiste et guérisseur birman,… … Wikipédia en Français
Saya San — or Galon Saya San (born 24 October 1876, executed 16 November 1931) was a noted monk, a Burmese medicine man or shaman and the leader of the Burmese peasant revolt of 1930 1931 and pretender to the Burmese throne. [cite web… … Wikipedia
Saya Wasi — (Куско,Перу) Категория отеля: Адрес: Kiskapata 1000, San Blas, C08 Куско, Перу … Каталог отелей
Saya San (Hsaya San) Rebellion — (1930 1932) The largest rural uprising during the British colonial period, caused by economic distress, harsh taxation measures, and land foreclosures. Its leader, Saya San (Hsaya San), was a practitioner of traditional medicine, alchemy,… … Historical Dictionary of Burma (Myanmar)
Saya-San-Aufstand — Der Saya San Aufstand von 1930 32 war ein Bauernaufstand im südlichen Birma, das zu dieser Zeit noch integraler Teil Britisch Indiens war. Er ist benannt nach seinem Anführer. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Ablauf 2 Literatur und Quellen 3 Einzelnachweise … Deutsch Wikipedia
Sayornis saya — Zimtbauch Phoebetyrann Zimtbauch Phoebetyrann (Sayornis saya) Systematik Klasse: Vögel (Aves) … Deutsch Wikipedia