- ṡvaṭha
- श्वठ
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Dakshinamurthy Stotram — Introduction Dakshinamurthy is an incarination of Shiva. He is considered the supreme god of knowledge according to the Shivite sciptures. The Stotram The Dakshinamurthy stotram (Hymn eulogising Dakshinamurthy), viewed as a form of Shiva is a… … Wikipedia
swathe — swathe1 /swodh, swaydh/, v., swathed, swathing, n. v.t. 1. to wrap, bind, or swaddle with bands of some material; wrap up closely or fully. 2. to bandage. 3. to enfold or envelop, as wrappings do. 4. to wrap (cloth, rope, etc.) around something.… … Universalium
swathe — swathe1 [swäth, swāth] vt. swathed, swathing [ME swathen < OE swathian, akin to ON svatha, to glide, prob. < IE base * swei , to turn, bend > SWAY] 1. to wrap or bind up in a long strip or bandage 2. to wrap (a bandage, etc.) around… … English World dictionary