- trí-loka
- त्रिलोक
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
loka — I In Hinduism, the universe or any particular division of it. The most common division of the universe is the tri loka, or three worlds (heaven, earth, and atmosphere, or heaven, world, and netherworld), each of which is divided into seven… … Universalium
rā́tri-loka — रात्रिलोक … Indonesian dictionary
Trailokya — (Skt., also triloka or trilokya ; Pali: tiloka ; Tibetan: khams gsum (Wylie)) has been translated as three worlds, [Monier Williams (1899), p. 460, col. 1, entry for [Tri ] loka (retrieved at http://www.sanskrit lexicon.uni… … Wikipedia
Museum Rudana — Established 11 August 1995 Location Peliatan, Gianyar Regency, Bali Indonesia Website … Wikipedia
Sanskrit compounds — One notable feature of the nominal system of Sanskrit is the very common use of nominal compounds (samāsa), which may be huge (10+ or even 30+ words[1][2][3]), as in some modern languages such as German. Nominal compounds occur with various… … Wikipedia
Dvigu — A Dvigu is a type of compound in Sanskrit grammar. Its first constituent is a numeral, in the case of dvigu , itself an example for the type: * dvi gu = two cow = two cows . (The meaning having two cows is a bahuvrihi.) * tri loka = the three… … Wikipedia
Dvigu — (द्विगु dvigu) ist ein Begriff aus der Sanskrit Grammatik, der einen bestimmten Typ von Komposita bezeichnet. Es handelt sich um einen Untertyp des Karmadharaya Kompositums, bei dem im Vorderglied ein Zahlwort als Attribut zum Schlussglied… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Buddhism — Buddhist, n., adj. Buddhistic, Buddhistical, adj. Buddhistically, adv. /booh diz euhm, bood iz /, n. a religion, originated in India by Buddha (Gautama) and later spreading to China, Burma, Japan, Tibet, and parts of southeast Asia, holding that… … Universalium
Armorial des communes du Val d'Aoste (Italie) — L armorial des communes du Val d Aoste donne les armoiries (figures et blasonnements) des communes du Val d Aoste (Italie), en français et en italien, la région étant officiellement bilingue, et en espéranto, pour une approche internationale[1].… … Wikipédia en Français
JINISME — Le jinisme (ou jainisme) doit son nom au titre de Jina (le «vainqueur»), donné par ses adeptes à Vardham na (également appelé Mah v 稜ra , «grand héros»), réformateur, au VIe siècle avant J. C., de la doctrine et de la communauté de P r ごva. Selon … Encyclopédie Universelle