- ud-gur
- उद्गुर्
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
GUR (Gorban), MORDECAI — (Motta; 1930–1995), Tenth Israeli chief of staff and politician; member of the Tenth to Thirteenth Knessets. Gur was born and grew up in Jerusalem. He joined the Haganah at an early age and held various positions of command. During the War of… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
GUR, BATYA — (1947–2005), Israeli writer and literary critic. Gur was born in Tel Aviv, studied Hebrew literature and history at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and completed her M.A. in comparative studies. She worked as a high school teacher before… … Encyclopedia of Judaism
Gur — can refer to: *A group of languages, see Gur languages *An agricultural product of India, see Jaggery *Ground Under Repair, a term used in Golf *A village in Tibet, see Gur, Tibet *Gur Kimchi, a Microsoft Architect working on Virtual Earth, also… … Wikipedia
Gur — 〈f. 20; unz.; Geol.; meist in Zus.〉 durch Zersetzung von Organismen od. Gesteinen entstandener Schlamm ● KieselGur [→ gären] * * * Gur, die; [zu ↑ gären] (Geol.): breiige, erdige, aus Gestein hervortretende Flüssigkeit. * * * Gur, Batya,… … Universal-Lexikon
Gur — steht für: Batya Gur (1947–2005), eine israelische Schriftstellerin Die Gur Sprachen, eine Sprachgruppe in Westafrika Kieselgur, (geolog.) eine breiige, erdige Flüssigkeit Diese Seite ist eine … Deutsch Wikipedia
Gur-Sprachen — Gur Sprachen, französisch Langues voltaïques [lãgvɔlta ik], Sprachfamilie der Niger Kongo Sprachen. Die Gur Sprachen sind Klassensprachen, die von rd. 5,5 Mio. Menschen in Burkina Faso, Ghana, Togo, Elfenbeinküste, Mali und Benin gesprochen… … Universal-Lexikon
Gur, Tibet — Gur is a village in the Tibet Autonomous Region of China.ee also*List of towns and villages in TibetExternal links and references* [http://fallingrain.com/world/CH/14/Gur.html Fallingrain.com] … Wikipedia
gur — [ gur ] noun uncount INDIAN ENGLISH a type of dark brown sugar that you buy in solid pieces, not small grains … Usage of the words and phrases in modern English
gur|dwa|ra — «gur DWAHR uh», noun. a Sikh temple. ╂[< Panjabi guruduārā] … Useful english dictionary
gur|gi|ta|tion — «GUR juh TAY shuhn», noun. a surging or whirling up and down; bubbling motion. ╂[< Medieval Latin gurgitatus gorged, past participle of Late Latin gurgitāre engulf, steep in (< Latin gurges whirlpool) + English ion] … Useful english dictionary
gur|glet — «GUR gliht», noun. = goglet. (Cf. ↑goglet) … Useful english dictionary