

Indonesian dictionary. 2014.

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  • Danda — may also refer to a staff or walking stick in India. In the Devanāgarī script, the danda (Sanskrit daṇḍa stick ) is a punctuation character. The glyph consists of a single vertical stroke. The character can be found at code point U+0964 (।) in… …   Wikipedia

  • danda — s. f. [Moçambique] Pano com que os negros cobrem os órgãos genitais …   Dicionário da Língua Portuguesa

  • Danda, SS. (1) — 1SS. Danda et 7 Soc. MM. (7. März). Die hhl. Danda, Eunica (Leunuca, Leununcula), Secundus (Succundus), Nestor, Secundus, Serrus (Sergius), Occatus (Optatus) und eine zweite Danda starben in Thracien als Martyrer …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Daṇḍa — Le daṇḍa (Sanskrit en devanāgarī : दण्ड) est un signe de ponctuation (noté : | ) marquant la fin d une phrase ou la moitié d une stance[1]. Le double daṇḍa (« || ») est utilisé pour marquer la fin d une stance. Notes et… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Dandâ — Les dandâ, dandî, dandiâ, câr ou châr sont des instruments de percussions de l Inde du nord. Ces Idiophones similaires à des claves sont surtout utilisés dans les danses de bâtons folkloriques où chaque danseur en est muni d une paire. Le kôlu,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Danda, S. (2) — 2S. Danda, (7. März), eine zweite Martyrin dieses Namens in Thracien. S. die Vorige …   Vollständiges Heiligen-Lexikon

  • Danda nata — or Danda Jatra is one of the important dance festivals organized in different parts of South Orissa, particularly in the Ganjam District. The danda nata festival is being held in the month of Chaitra of every year. The Danda Jatra is a kind of… …   Wikipedia

  • Danda Bazar —   Village development committee   …   Wikipedia

  • Danda Kingdom — Danda (alias Dandaka, a kingdom and a forest had the same name) was a colonial state of Lanka under the reign of Ravana. Ravana s governor Khara ruled this province. It was the stronghold of all the Rakshasa tribes living in the Dandaka Forest.… …   Wikipedia

  • Danda Venkata Subba Reddy — (1899 1987) is a professor of Medicine in India. He was principal of Gandhi Medical College, Hyderabad between 4 May, 1957 and 29 January 1959.[1] He wrote a book titled Glimpses Of Health And Medicine In Mauryan Empire in 1966.[2] Publications… …   Wikipedia

  • Danda Mohamed Kondeh — (born in Koinadugu District, Sierra Leone) is a Sierra Leonean economist and politician. He is currently a member of parliament of Sierra Leone from his home district of Koinadugu. He is a member of the ruling All People s Congress (APC). Kondeh… …   Wikipedia

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