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  • Gīta Govinda — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El Guitá Govinda es un texto escrito por el poeta orisano Yaiá Deva (siglo XII). Manuscrito del Guitá Govinda (oeste de la India, 1550 aproximadamente), que muestra a Krishná probando embriagantes nueces de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • GITA-GOVINDA — G 壟TA GOVINDA L’un des plus célèbres poèmes lyriques de la littérature sanskrite. Attribué avec la plus grande vraisemblance à un brahmane bengali du XIIe siècle, nommé Jayadéva, le G 稜ta Govinda («célébration du bouvier Krishna») est, en fait,… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • Gita Govinda — The Gita Govinda (Sanskrit गीत गोविन्द) ( Song of Govinda ) is a work composed in the 12th century by the great poet, Jayadeva of Puri, Orissa. It describes the relationship between Krishna and the gopis (cowgirls) of Vrindavana, and in… …   Wikipedia

  • Gita Govinda — Das Gita Govinda (Sanskrit, f., गीता गोविन्द, gīta govinda, „Das Lied vom Kuhhirten Krishna“) ist ein spirituelles Gedicht und eine heilige Schrift des Hinduismus. Es beschreibt in achtzehn Gesängen die romantischen Abenteuer zwischen dem… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Gita-govinda — (Song of the cowherd)    by Jayadeva (12th century)    The Gita govinda is a collection of Indian pastoral lyric verses dramatizing the love affair of Krishna (an incarnation of the god Vishnu) with the cowherdess Rādhā, a love that was… …   Encyclopedia of medieval literature

  • Gīta-govinda — title of a book a lyrical drama by Jayadeva Gosvāmī. ✍ (Gīta govinda 12.10–12) ✍ when one discusses the purport of these two special verses of Gīta govinda (3.1–2), he can relish the highest nectar of Rādhā and Kṛṣṇa’s loving affairs …   The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia

  • Gīta-Govinda —    Hindu epic poem about the love of Radha and Krishna, composed by Jayadeva in Sanskrit in the 12th century. Divided into 12 chapters of 24 prabandha, each containing groups of eight couplets (ashtapadi ) and other metric types. After each… …   Historical dictionary of sacred music

  • Gīta-govinda-dīpikā — title of a book a commentary on Gīta govinda by Gopāla Ācārya …   The Bhaktivedanta encyclopedia

  • Bhagavad Gita — Gita redirects here. For other uses, see Gita (disambiguation). Krishna and Arjuna at Kurukshetra, 18–19th century painting. The …   Wikipedia

  • Guitá Govinda — El Guitá Govinda (segunda mitad del siglo XII)[1] es un texto escrito por el poeta orisano Yaiá Deva. Manuscrito del Guitá Govinda (oeste de la India, 1550 aproximadamente), que muestra a Krisná probando embriagantes nueces de betel con las… …   Wikipedia Español

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