- jaṭā-jūṭa
- जटाजूट
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Saundaryalahari — The Saundarya Lahari meaning Waves Of Beauty is a famous literary work written by Adi Shankara. Its hundred and three shlokas (verses) eulogize the beauty, grace and munificence of Goddess Parvati / Dakshayani, consort of Shiva.The Saundarya… … Wikipedia
iuta — iù·ta s.f. CO TS tess. fibra tessile che si ricava dalla corteccia di alcune piante del genere Corcoro, usata spec. per la fabbricazione di stuoie, tessuti da imballaggio e cordami: tela, sacco di iuta {{line}} {{/line}} VARIANTI: juta. DATA:… … Dizionario italiano
Jute — Sf per. Wortschatz fach. (19. Jh.) Entlehnung. Entlehnt aus ne. jute und zunächst wie dieses ausgesprochen. Das englische Wort stammt aus hindī jūṭ, Bezeichnung der betreffenden Faser, die zunächst nach England eingeführt und dort verarbeitet… … Etymologisches Wörterbuch der deutschen sprache
jute — (n.) plant fiber, 1746, from Bengali jhuto, from Skt. juta s twisted hair, related to jata braid of hair, of unknown origin, probably from a non I.E. language … Etymology dictionary
jute — [jo͞ot] n. [Hindi jhuto < Sans jūta, matted hair, jata, braid of hair, fibrous roots] 1. a strong, glossy fiber used for making burlap, sacks, mats, rope, etc. 2. either of two S Asian plants (Corchorus capsularis and C. olitorius) of the… … English World dictionary