- mū́la-purusha
- मूलपुरुष
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Purusha — (Sanskrit, m., पुरुष, puruṣa, Mann, Mensch, Menschheit, Person, Urseele) ist ein wichtiger Begriff in der indischen Mythologie, in der Samkhya Philosophie und im Shivaismus. Der Begriff Purusha hat im Laufe der Zeit eine interessante Entwicklung… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Purusha sukta — ( IAST|puruṣa sūkta ) is hymn 10.90 of the Rigveda, dedicated to Purusha, the cosmic man . It has 16 verses, 15 in the IAST|anuṣṭubh meter, and the final one in the IAST|triṣṭubh meter. It is the only Rigvedic hymn dedicated to Purusha, and thus … Wikipedia
Purusha Mruga — was renowned as one of the biggest devotees of Lord Shiva. As the name suggests, he was half man and half animal. In the Mahabharata, the Pandavas were performing the Rajasuya Yagna. Yudhishthira suggested that Purusha Mruga s presence in the… … Wikipedia
Purusha — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En el hinduismo, el Purusha (en sánscrito: ‘varón’) es la divinidad única que impregna el universo. Según algunos estudiosos, los dioses védicos son meras interpretaciones que el ser humano hace de las muchas facetas … Wikipedia Español
Purusha — In Hinduism, Purusha (Sanskrit IAST|puruṣa, पुरुष man, Cosmic Man , in Sutra literature also called IAST|puṃs man ) is the self which pervades the universe. The Vedic divinities are considered to be the human mind s interpretation of the many… … Wikipedia
Púrusha — En el hinduismo, el Púrusha (en sánscrito: ‘varón’) es la divinidad única que impregna el universo. El Púrusha representado como un humanoide, fantasía (1995) del pintor uzbeko británico Igor Kufayev. púruṣa, en el sistema AITS (alfabeto… … Wikipedia Español
purusha — The term purusha has two meanings. In the ancient RIG VEDA, X. 90, the Purusha (usually spelled in English with a capital P) is the divine being who existed before time and was sacrificed to create both the transcendent and the material realms … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
purusha — /poor euh sheuh/, n. Hinduism. (in Sankhya and Yoga) one s true self, regarded as eternal and unaffected by external happenings. Cf. prakriti. [ < Skt purusa lit., man] * * * ▪ Indian philosophy Sanskrit Puruṣa (“person,” or “spirit”), in … Universalium
Purusha — Pụrusha [Sanskrit »Mensch«] der, , Religionswissenschaft: 1) in der indischen Mythologie der ewige Mensch, das Urwesen; nach einem Schöpfungsmythos des »Rigveda« entstand die Welt aus Teilen des Urpurusha; 2) in der indischen Philosophie… … Universal-Lexikon
Purusha — In Vedic myth the male half of Brahma as opposed to Satarupa, the female half. Purusha has also been described as a primeval giant from whose dead body the world was created. The confusion between Purusha and Viraj may have arisen from the… … Who’s Who in non-classical mythology
Purusha — Le Puruṣa (devanāgarī : पुरुष) est un terme sanskrit qui signifie Mâle, homme, personne, mais aussi héros[1]. En philosophie hindoue ce terme désigne l Être, le macrocosme. Dans le courant philosophique du Sāṃkhya, le Puruṣa est le principe… … Wikipédia en Français