- prakṛitî ̱ṡa
- प्रकृतीश
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Indonesian dictionary. 2014.
Prakriti — (Sanskrit, f., प्रकृति, prakṛti, Natur) ist in der indischen Samkhya Philosophie die Urmaterie, aus der das Universum besteht. Prakriti ist die kosmische Substanz, die ursprüngliche, nicht verursachte Ursache phänomenaler Existenz, die formlos,… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Prakriti — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda De acuerdo con la doctrina vedanta, prakriti es la materia básica de la que se compone el universo. Está formada por tres guṇas (cualidades), que son: sattwa (bondad). rayas (pasión) y tamas (ignorancia). El dios… … Wikipedia Español
prakriti — In the list of 24 categories of reality in SAMKHYA and YOGA, prakriti refers to nature or the phenom enal universe. It is seen as an eternal reality that always existed and always will exist. That is to say, phenomenal reality is not a created … Encyclopedia of Hinduism
prakriti — /pruk ri tee/, n. Hinduism. (in Sankhya philosophy) primal matter or substance from which the physical and mental universe evolves under the influence of purusha. Cf. guna, purusha. [ < Skt prakrti original nature] * * * ▪ Indian philosophy… … Universalium
prakriti and purusha — In the Samkhya school of Indian philosophy, material nature and the soul. Prakriti is material nature in its germinal state, eternal and beyond perception. When it comes into contact with the soul or self (purusha), it starts a process of… … Universalium
prakriti y purusha — En la escuela Samkhya de filosofía india, la naturaleza material y el alma. Prakriti es la naturaleza material en su estado germinal, eterna e imperceptible. Cuando entra en contacto con el alma o el yo (purusha), comienza un proceso de evolución … Enciclopedia Universal
Prakriti — La Prakṛti ( प्रकृति en devanāgarī) ce terme sanskrit signifie nature ; ordre naturel; forme primitive, fondement, origine, cause[1]. Dans la philosophie indienne du Sāṃkhya, c est d abord la Nature Primordiale (mūlaprakṛti), cause… … Wikipédia en Français
prakriti — pra·kri·ti (prŭґkre the) [Sanskrit, from pra before + akriti creativity] according to ayurveda, a person s underlying characteristic physical and mental constitution and tendencies of expression … Medical dictionary
prakriti — prak·ri·ti … English syllables
prakriti — ˈprəkrəd.ē noun ( s) Etymology: Sanskrit prakṛti 1. : unmanifested cosmic energy or potential matter that in Sankhya philosophy is constituted of the three gunas and that in contact with purusha produces a disequilibrium among the gunas which in … Useful english dictionary